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March, 2018//Lenfest Center for the Arts

The sport of Kings is a contest of fair and foul play. Richard, the underdog, is spurned at court for his physical condition but eyes the crown with bloody determination. No bond is too sacred to betray as he manipulates his way to glory. 

In this story of depravity and ambition, an all-female cast redraws the lines that define gender and power and asks, how far is too far to get what you want?

Director: Nana Dakin
Dramaturgs: Lucy Powis and Annie Wang
Producer: Paloma Estévez
Scenic Designer: Santiago Orjuela Laverde
Costume Designer: Emily White
Lighting Designer: Elizabeth Mak
Sound Designer: Pornchanok Kanchanabanca

Brie Archer, Anya Banerjee, Tessa Barlow-Ochshorn, Hannah Benjamin, Elizabeth Chappel, Britta Kuhn, Katie Mack, Maya Martin-Udry, Rita McCann, Zainab Musa, Adaku Okpi, Alice Renier, Briana Sakamoto, Kea Trevett, Phoebe Wright

Photos by Rob Strong

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